Though we receive our strength through Christ who gives all, we also share the strength of our faith and conviction with others by serving God in many the community and in the church ourselves as the body of Christ.
Ministries of Compassion
But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine.
Luke 10: 33-34 (NIV)
Community Ministries
We are situated near a park in the community, and we endeavor to offer our building (including potty facilities!) to those who are having events or programs in the area. And we welcome organizations to use the building for meetings and programs. TOPS, AA and our area hospice organization are among those who take advantage of the opportunity. flower garden ministry - our little corner of Corry brightens up the spirits when spring finally comes and our garden ministry gets to work! Sharing the treasures that God has given us is very meaningful. And we're so thankful for our "secret garden caretaker" who waters, prunes and spruces all through long hot summers.
As a group, we reach out to the community by participating in the annual parade, donating toiletries to school-aged youth in need and to the area shelter, saving little ones big steps by providing a halloween bonanza right in our parking lot, holding a junk in the trunk sale and donating the proceeds, collecting for the food bank on a regular basis, distributing warmth during the town's winter festival and sponsoring a Relay for Life Team. Recently we participated in sponsoring the Corry Community Gardens and started a plot to plant and share.
As individuals, we engage in powerful ministries all around the area. Our members volunteer, participate and serve with organizations and programs such as Love INC., Corry Area Food Pantry, Corry Free Clinic, Safe Journey, Red Cross, YMCA, area animal shelters, the hospital auxilliary, youth tutoring, and Corry Social Services.
Worship Ministries
Ministries of Church Oversight and
Other Congregational Ministries
Church Oversight ... Well, there you have it. Whenever you see “oversight,” you know you’re talking about an important but likely thankless job! These ministries work the range of perspectives: from the day-to-day life of the church to its long range well-being,…all dependent on our following the footsteps of Jesus since it is his church.
These ministries include serving on “vestry,” the men and women who are the governing body of the church, the finance committee, specifically responsible for financial oversight the building and grounds committee who maintain, develop and oversee the church and its property. These ministries are the backbone of churches that utilize buildings they consider to be houses of God….amazing how many places he lives!
Other organized ministries include hospitality - the hard-working hospitality ministers ensure that our in-house events are well-planned, the food is good and plentiful and the atmosphere welcoming and comfortable. (This is not to be confused with an over-all ministry of hospitality, which is all are encouraged to practice, for that is the very ministry Christ practiced at all time and in all places.)
Lillian guild - is a loosely formed ministry that takes up projects as opportunities arise. A recent example is that the guild gathered to create a small welcome gift for newcomers, guests and visitors.
Visiting - sharing the love of Christ cannot be done without leaving the building, so a number of people actively visit those who cannot travel to church or other events, whether they are ill or immobile.
And for those who can attend, but sometimes just cannot get there, ride-sharing is a time-honored ministry that helps more people participate in the community.