Called to Be   

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 

Matthew 7:7 (NIV) 

Emmanuel is a Christ-centered family church where we love and care for one another. While we gather joyfully for worship and fellowship, you should know that we have experienced, either personally or through our own families, a variety of life's challenges. We have supported one another in dealing with addiction, loss of loved ones, unemployment, and mental and physical health issues. This church is not a place for saints, but a home for sinners who know that life in Christ doesn't mean we are perfect but that we keep trying to live as best we can, seeking his guidance and welcoming his love. Like any family, our opinions and personal beliefs vary widely, but we respect one another and find hope and joy in praying and playing together.

Our Mission

Let our worship, words and actions proclaim the love of Christ to this community and the world. Our mission is fourfold: Worshipping God. Sharing the Word. Loving our Neighbor. Caring for Creation.

Worshipping God. 

We believe that God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, should be first in our lives and so we believe that worship is one of the most important things we can do. Worship connects us with God, with ourselves and with one another. Worship helps us form the foundations of our ongoing relationship with him, helps us to lift others in prayer and affirms our faith.

Sharing the Word. 

Well, let's just be honest here. We're not very good at this yet. But we try. We feel so fortunate and blessed to know and be known by Jesus Christ that we want everyone to have that opportunity. But our faith tradition has not emphasized verbally sharing our joyful love of the Lord. We hope our lives convey our love of God, and we are really good at inviting people to church. The rest....we're working on.

Loving our Neighbor. 

We really do love and care for one another and for God's people in the Corry area. Through a variety of outreach--some financial and some personal--we strive to share God's love in this community. Through prayer, worship, community outreach and giving to area organizations that help others, we seek to fulfill Jesus' call to love and serve our neighbor. Many individuals in our church community are very involved in the community through an array of organizations and outreach.

Caring for Creation

We believe we are stewards of the earth, and we recognize that--in general--humankind has not handled this stewardship with foresight or care. So in our own way, we try to help the earth by not wasting resources, recycling, and engaging in other acts. In 2014, we began a property beautification program by developing flower beds on the property (which is on a corner in downtown Corry) to give passersby a glimpse of uplifting color and to show off the many varieties of flowers in God's creation. Most of us are serious animal lovers and enjoy offering our annual blessing of the animals in the fall to the community.