Connected by Hope

I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13 (NIV) 

There is so much great information online ... about God and about what God's people are up to. So this page is dedicated toward helping you find sites and other social media that interest you. If there is something you think should be up here, let us know.

  • Giving and Sharing

    If you want to help in a particular area or with disaster relief, a trustworthy organization is Episcopal Relief and Development.

    If you look at our "personal help resources" section below, you will see a number of area organizations that would benefit from your generosity. Information on how to give is generally on their websites.

    Kiva's slogan is: "loans that change lives." They offer you the opportunity to make micro loans to a variety of programs, busnesses or needs around the world, with the understanding that most of it is paid back. So you can continue to loan and re-loan to help people throughout the world . 

  • Churchy Stuff

    If you want to know what scripture we will be reading on Sunday, you can go here. One thing to note: there are separate readings for commemorating the saints, just so you're not surprised. If you need help, you know where to ask!

    Diocese of Northwest Pennsylvania (this is like the community of churches we are part of in this area). Includes good info on youth ministry too.

    A good way to get to know about the Episcopal church here in Northwest PA is to look at the diocesan blog page.

    We' are all one church in Christ, but we are also part of a national church, and you can find their information here: The Episcopal Church Online

  • Scripture and Prayer Resources

    Parallel Bible - Reading, sharing, incorporating scripture in a whole new way.

    If you would like to experience Morning Prayer or any other audio or printed "daily office" (that's a devotion that is organized in a way that includes prayer, scripture and statements of faith), a good place to go is Mission of St. Clare.

    The Episcopal Church bases its worship and devotion on what is called the Book of Common Prayer, which is based primarily on scripture. Most people use it at worship but may not be aware of the many resources it has, including beautiful prayers for many occasions and also a Q&A section that helps to answer questions people might have about faith.

    If you want to read the Bible but find it difficult to read in sequence, here is a resource that allows you to read some each day from the old testament, psalms, new testament and Gospels: Daily Readings from the Lectionary. Once in, you can click on links for the specific days. This site requires some navigation.

  • Personal Help Resources

    Not that you couldn't search for them yourself, but here are some links to national and local (to the Corry/Erie PA area) services. 

    Alcoholics Anonymous, Erie PA  Also, there are two meetings a week at  Emmanuel Church at 8:00 p.m. - Thursday and Saturday

    Love In the Name of Christ (Love INC.)....this web link is to the national site.  Locally, they may be able to help when you are caught unawares financially and need just a hand up to move on. They also have excellent financial counseling services. Their southern Erie County area phone number is: 814-664-7287. 

    If you are being abused in any situation, help is available. In southern Erie County check out Safe Journey. Or call their hotline: 814-438-2675 or text mysafe to 20121.  If outside the area, call the national domestic abuse hotline: 1-800-799-7233 or find the nearest location in your area. 

    Do you need some help with groceries for your family? You may want to check the Corry Food Pantry webiste. 

    Need medical assistance and have no insurance or income? See more information about the Corry Area Free Clinic.

    If you want information on human trafficking, an excellent resource is the Polaris Project.